Random Box of Keys |
One of the things you get to do when you move is to clean out drawers that have sat idle for a long, long, time. They are called junk drawers because we tend to put things into them without thought. If there isn't a place for it, it must go in the junk drawer. One of the things collected in the junk drawer are keys.
I have no idea where most of these keys come from. I've got a better idea where some of the key rings came from, but those are lost in history as well. Some of them are labeled (like the keys to the cottage, 1500 miles away), and some are anonymous.
I wandered around the house with the keys trying the various locks on things, and I still can't find the key for a few locks. Some are now identified, but there are many that are lost in the depths of time.
Key from the house where I grew up |
However, I did recognize one old key. Don't know why I still have it, but it is the key to the house where I grew up. I'm certain the new owner has changed the locks since then, so I'll keep it in the box as a reminder.