With the
rough-in completed, we now had to finalize our decision on the design details. We had chosen plumbing fixtures early on, but now we needed to determine what the bathroom needed to look like.
Upstairs Bathroom Color Scheme |
We dragged our interior designer, Rachel, to a Floor and Decor store and wandered around being overwhelmed with choices. She had suggested an olive green for the cabinets, somewhat like the color of our current living room (see paint sample on right). Then, she suggested a pebbled floor for the shower.
When our contractor heard this, he recommended a flattened pebbled tile, because the ones that were naturally shaped were pretty bumpy and hard to keep clean. So, we found a 4-color pebbled flooring.
When it came to the decorative accent tile, we had hundreds to look at. We finally found one that had some of the stone from the floor, some green glass to go with the vanity, and some bluish glass. Finally, we had to pick out a base tile color, and we found an greyish/bluish/browish tile that would go well together. The photo shows the choices.
As for the bathroom floor, we decided we wanted vinyl upstairs, one because it's warmer than tile in the morning, and two, because we found a vinyl that didn't look like fake tile. It can be installed with grouting between the tiles to make it look more like a real tile. When we get around to the kitchen, we'll probably use the same brand.
Then, we had to deal with cabinets. The cabinet maker that our contractor uses is on the opposite side of Seattle, and the shut down the state the day before we were going to go pick out our cabinets. So, for a month, we had cabinets that were being ordered that we'd never seen. We had to twist the salesman's arm to get color samples sent to us so we could coordinate the rest of the material.
Laundry Side Cabinet Layout |
The vanity side was pretty much standard, two sinks on either side with a set of drawers in the middle. On the laundry side, Gail had been looking through Houzz and found a couple of really cool design ideas. A Rev-A-Shelf folding ironing board that stored into a drawer, and a drying rack that was basically a converted drawer. We sketched up something for the cabinet guy and heard nothing for a month.
Finally, we dropped him a note asking when they were going to reopen, and he indicated that they'd been open for a week now. We finally exchanged some drawings with him and we've got a design that we believe will be functional.
The right hand drawer will be the ironing board, the center will be the drying rack, and the two large sliding shelves will hold laundry baskets for our dirty clothes There is room for our stacking washer/dryer to the left of the cabinets. After everything is in place, we'll probably add a hanging rod to hang clothes as well.
We still have a few details that we need to put in place, such as where towel rods need to go, but we're almost done with the decisions for that bathroom. The only thing left is the lighting.
Sneak peek at the finished product |