There are three times in my life that I remember where I have had fruit that was so good, I can remember exactly where I had it. It was that good.
Strawberries from Central Valley: One summer during her college years, Corinne got a summer job for a company in Los Angeles. We had an extra car at that point, so I told her she could take it down to LA for the summer and sell it afterwards. Of course, we needed to make a road trip, so I decided to take the weekend and drive down there with her.
On the way to Sequoia National Park, we were driving along a local road and came across a stand selling fresh strawberries. We purchased a pint and had them when we got to the park. The fruit was ripe, red throughout, juicy and melt in your mouth delicious. Afterwards, we decided that we made a mistake in not buying more.
Peaches in Georgia: A few years later, we decided to get a condo in northern Georgia. We were between my niece's wedding and when Valerie had to return to college, so we decided to vacation in the southeast.
One day during our excursions, we found a peach orchard that was selling peaches. We tasted one and decided to get a large bag to last for the week. I can't remember how long they lasted, but they didn't last us the week. Between 4 of us, I'm sure they were gone within a couple of days. The fruit was ripe, juicy, sweet but not too sweet, and that perfect consistency that it melted in our mouths.
Pineapple in Fiji: This past winter, we used some money my mother gave us and took the whole family to Fiji for Christmas. The trip was long, but everyone managed to make it from five cities on two continents.
The first day we were there, Christmas Eve, Gail and Valerie went to a local market and got some produce. Part of what they bought were some pineapple. They were a bit smaller than we normally get in the US, so they bought some more. Again, the pineapple was ripe, juicy, sweeter than we can get in the US, not as stringy, and perfect for snacking, daiquiris, and cooking. We went back to get more, and I believe that had twenty pineapple before we left, and not a one was disappointing.