Saturday, May 19, 2018

Eighth Grade Examination - Geography


(Write on six of the questions)
  1. Name the continents in order of their size. Which continents are crossed by the tropic of Capricorn? By the Arctic circle? 
  2. Locate two great deserts and explain why they are deserts. 
  3. Explain why the present European war has caused an advance in the price of wheat and a decline in the price of cotton. 
  4. Make five lists of countries noted for the pro¬duction of the following: tea, coffee, cotton, wheat, wool. 
  5. Cite at least three water routes that may be shortened by passing through the Panama Canal. 
  6. Define latitude, longitude, meridian, rotation, trade winds, delta, water shed. 
  7. Explain the change of seasons. 
  8. Explain Standard Time in the United States. When it is eight o'clock here, what time is it in San Francisco? In New York? 
  9. Tell what these are: Plata, Duluth, Manitoba, Rainier, Tibet, Puget, Bombay, Tokio, Volga, Titicaca, Vienna, Llanos. 
One of ten parts of the Winnebago County, Illinois Eighth Grade Examination given on May 5th and 6th, 1916.  

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