Thursday, May 18, 2017


The other night, Gail was looking at her e-mail after work and saw that the Pacific Science Center was having an opening night showing of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 at 10pm.  She asked me if I was interested, and of course I said yes.  However, I reminded her that it was a Thursday night and she had to get up tomorrow at 5:30am for school, so it would probably affect her more. She bought tickets while I went to choir. 

After I got home, we got in the car and drove downtown.  Of course there was a line for seats, and we were near the back of the line.  I noticed that there were a number of Millennials in the crowd and most were of the nerdy variety.  I kept track as we were filtering into the theater, and based on my observation, we were the oldest in the theater. 

As for my opinion, it was just as good as the first.  It was very difficult to not sing along with the soundtrack, but very easy to laugh at the lines along with the rest of the attendees.  We got a richer experience than most, since we actually lived through the music the first time around. 

As for the picture, it was foggy when we came out around 1am, and the Space Needle was glowing.  I thought it looked pretty cool. 

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