Sunday, December 6, 2020

Remodeling - Finished Upstairs Bathroom


With the design complete, the next phase was putting everything in place.  All the tile work was done by the time we moved in, but the finishing touches were late.  The stone on the half wall and the shower sill couldn't be measured until the walls were complete, and the glass couldn't be measured until after the stone was installed.  Needless to say, the glass didn't get installed until the week after we moved in.  Too bad they installed the wrong shower door.  That took a couple of more weeks to finish off.  

Meanwhile, the cabinet maker had to close during COVID so the deliveries got pushed out until after we moved in.  (Luckily the downstairs bath was done.)  When they finally were delivered, the vanity was half-inch too wide, leading to much muttering from the contractor.  They did wedge it in there, so they were ready for measuring the countertops.  

They left us a small can of touch up paint for the cabinets which we foolishly left in the drawer of the cabinet.  When the countertop installed the counters, the paint can was stuck in the top drawer.  Not certain how the contractor got that one out, but I know the can was a bit dented when it was recovered.  

The rest of the install went without a hitch, so after the mirror install at the end of July, our master bath was complete.  

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